Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (12 January 1918 – 5 February 2008) developed the Transcendental Meditation technique. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi became a disciple and assistant of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati of Jyotirmath in the Indian Himalayas. The Maharishi credits Brahmananda Saraswati with inspiring his teachings.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Maharishi achieved fame as the guru to the Beatles, The Beach Boys and other celebrities. In the late 1970s, he started the TM-Sidhi programme that offered practitioners the ability to levitate and to create world peace. The Maharishi has trained more than 40,000 TM teachers, taught the Transcendental Meditation technique to more than five million people and founded thousands of teaching centers and hundreds of colleges, universities and schools.
In his 1963 book, The Science Of Being and Art Of Living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says that, over time, through the practice of the TM technique, the conscious mind gains familiarity with deeper levels of the mind, bringing the subconscious mind within the capacity of the conscious mind, resulting in expanded awareness in daily activity. He also teaches that the Transcendental Meditation practitioner transcends all mental activity and experiences the ‘source of thought’, which is said to be pure silence, ‘pure awareness’ or ‘transcendental Being’, ‘the ultimate reality of life’.
Maharishi has been the founder of the TM movement that has taken Yoga, Siddhi’s and scientific validation and analysis of Vedic truths deeper than anyone else in recent history.
Maharishi has been the Guru for many famous personalities in the spiritual field today such as Dr Deepak Chopra who wrote the bestseller book Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Sri Sri Ravishankar of the Art of Living movement and so on.